Sunday, September 27, 2009


So I was just looking at some old pics today of when we started uni. And how happy and carefree we were then. Of how we didn't know what the next 4 years would be like. And now more than 2 years have gone past, I have travelled to 3 new countries (well, kind of, London stopover doesn't count), and I do feel as if I've come a long way since then and have changed from who I was then.

In some ways I've changed, grown, matured; in some ways I'm still the same stupid romantic at heart.

I remember how I used to dream about going to some country for exchange for a sem. The first time I think I wanted to go somewhere to the Americas was when I saw pics of my sis' friends' on exchange, all covered in heavy jackets with snow all around. But then the whole US uni thing didn't turn out the way I wanted, so I was stuck with NUS. Which has turned out pretty good after all. There are a lot of amazing people back there. I miss you all!

But then the desire to come to the States or somewhere similar somehow never went away. I remember when we were new in NUS, we used to talk about the distant future (i.e. 3rd year) when we would apply for exchange and hopefully not be too broke to pay for it. And here I am today, actually in this place, visiting the things that we've read about.

I think travelling adds something to you in a way that studying about other places never can. Unless you actually experience the places for yourself, meet the people and learn about the things that they consider normal and you find weird, firsthand, you never really get it. I am really grateful I have been able to do that. And I hope I can go to Europe and Africa some day. Keep dreaming right..

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