Monday, March 16, 2009

People in my life

People are so interesting.

The people I would like to thank for being there (recognise yourself - more than 1 description can suit you):

1. The person who is very predictable in the way they will bug you, and you sometimes voluntarily seek them out to be bugged, when you're very bored.

2. The person who needs things to be black and white, and is constantly at battle with the world because its so full of grey.

3. The person trying to get back on their feet and accept life for what it is now, and what it will never be, despite all their hopes.

4. The person who is constantly on the path of self-discovery.

5. The person whom I call at least once a day, and re-create my whole day's happenings to.

6. The person who would take a few days to find out after I have a life-threatening accident, mainly because having me as a part of their life is of no benefit to them.

7. The person who has helped me transform my thinking about men. In a good way or bad way, depends.

8. The person whose usually unstable life has found a safe harbour to anchor in.

9. The person who goes missing, coming back for a gulp of breath of the real world only once in a while.

10. The person you know will get very concerned when anything goes wrong with you and you know you can depend on them.

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