Sunday, June 14, 2009


If a flower would wither at the end of the day, then why did it blossom in the first place?
If one was destined to be heartbroken from the start, why did one fall in love at the beginning?

Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. Maybe.

I've been here before. And the sad thing is, I will time and time again. So why do I even care anymore?

Learning to forget.

The worst thing about saying goodbye is having to say it again every morning.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

Time heals all wounds. [It really does! Some take longer than others, but give it time and it will go away.]

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.

What we want and what we need are usually two very different things.

Kevin Sim!

I think I should start writing short stories, put my active imagination to some use. But I only seem to be able to further current events, which means I shall have to use real life characters, and then they will recognise themselves, and then oh no! I shall get beaten up :P

I miss Singapaw!

I miss the productiveness in life, even when I was doing nothing.

I miss having people around me. I actually miss human company. Me! The loner!

I hate feeling cramped and gasping for space.

I hate the weather.

I hate being out of control.

Ok these 3 have been the worst days for a long, long time. Pray for a better tomorrow!

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