Saturday, August 15, 2009

Here's hoping some dreams don't come true.

So the good news is that my internship is FINALLY over. After dragging on for ever so long. Well if you think about it, it wasn't all that bad. But then again, it's just one of those things that make better memories than experiences.

Now I am left with 3 weeks of NOTHING to do. Zilch. Zheeero. It's gonna be watching movies and re-reading novels at home that I've already read lots of times before.

I've been having some random nightmares. I always tend to dream of things that worry me or carry the potential to turn into a headache later.

The first was that my stupid travel agent had gotten my Visa made for the wrong dates, of about a month after I was actually supposed to leave.

Another dream I had that my exchange uni had told me due to some problems I couldn't actually go there. And my own uni people told me there was an option open for me to go to a Taiwan uni if I was interested. I had to say yes immediately if I wanted the spot, so I did because I really wanted to go on exchange. The uni was located amidst mountains (like the ones I saw on my (relatively) recent Buddhism trip). And I remember being very heartbroken by the fact that I was stuck there, and there was no way whatsoever I would have the money to go to York in a few days even if a spot opened up.

Oh and I also dreamt of a shop selling bathrobes.

Well thankfully all three of those things shall not be a problem in the future, so let's see what other things my anxious subconscience dreams of next.

You know how when we always plead with and cajole God to give us what we want? Maybe instead we should trust his judgement and stop asking him for things. Because sometimes, when he doesn't give us what we ask for, it is for the best. Maybe something better is on the way.

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