Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sex and the City

Maybe it's maturity or the wisdom that comes with age, but the witch in Hansel and Gretel—she's very misunderstood. I mean, the woman builds her dream house and these brats come along and start eating it.

Charlotte : Everyone needs a man. That's why I rent. If you own and he still rents, then the power structure is all off. It's emasculating. Men don't want a woman who's too self-sufficient.
Samantha : I'm sorry, did someone just order a Victorian straight up?

Charlotte : I proposed to myself!
Carrie : What?
Charlotte : Yes. I suggested he have a tomato salad, then I suggested we get married.
Carrie : Wait. What exactly did he say?
Charlotte : Alrighty!
Carrie : Alrighty? He said alrighty? Now I'm thinking the upsetting thing isn't that you proposed, it's that you proposed to a guy that says "alrighty."
Charlotte : Oh, Carrie, stop!
Carrie : Alrighty.

Miranda : Maybe it's time that I stop being so angry.
Carrie : Yeah, but what would you do with all your free time?

Natasha :Yes, I'm sorry about it all. I' m sorry he moved to Paris and fell in love with me. I'm sorry that we ever got married. I'm sorry he cheated on me with you and I'm sorry that i pretended to ignore it for as long as I did. I'm sorry I found you in my apartment, fell down the stairs and broke my tooth. I'm very sorry that after much painful dental surgery this tooth is still a different colour than this tooth. Finally I'm sorry that you felt the need to come down here. Now, not only have you ruined my marriage, you 've ruined my lunch.

Carrie : The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor.

Carrie: [Carrie is fallen on the runway and she gets up] When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep on walking.

Miranda: [mocking Samantha's announcement that she is now a lesbian] Oh, I forgot to tell you - I'm a fire hydrant!

Samantha : Fuck men. We have to run to Helga the Hot Waxer every other week, but them? How would they like it if we told them to shape their hedge, trim their trunk?
Carrie : Plant their bulbs? I'm sorry, we are talking about gardening, aren't we?

Charlotte: We are having Trey´s sperm tested
Miranda: Is it not doing well in school?

Carrie: You're pregnant? Really?
Miranda: No, I just thought it would be a fun thing to say. Fuck!

Miranda: I don't know why they call it morning sickness, because it lasts all fucking day long. Unless it's M-O-U-R-N, as in "mourning the loss of your single life."

Carrie : I used to think those people who sat alone at Starbucks writing on their laptops were pretentious posers. Now I know: They are people who have recently moved in with someone.

Miranda : It's amazing. In a courtroom, reasonable doubt can get you off for murder. In an engagement, it makes you feel like a bad person.

Samantha : "Best" is like signing "Not Love."

Miranda : Why do we get stuck with old maid and spinster and men get to be bachelors and playboys?

Miranda : No, he's not sick. He's not hungry, he's not teething, he just wants to scream. I'm doing everything I can but I can't please him. If he was 35 this is when we would break up.

Miranda : I don´t invest anymore, it´s too volatile
Carrie : Exactly! I like my money right where I can see it... hanging in my closet!

[Berger is shocked by the price of a Prada shirt]
Prada Sales Guy : But you will wear it forever!
Berger : Yeah, I'd have to! Does it also somehow open into a small studio apartment?

[Miranda can fit into her "skinny jeans."]
Charlotte : How'd you do it?
Miranda : Well, I got pregnant, became a single mother, and stopped having any time to eat.
Samantha : Oh, that's a diet I won't be trying.

Carrie : I tried the trapeze yesterday for that piece that I'm writing.
Charlotte : I could never! I have the most terrible fear of heights.
Carrie : Well, I do not. You've seen my shoes.

Carrie : Think about it. If you are single, after graduation there isn't one occasion where people celebrate you. ... Hallmark doesn't make a "congratulations, you didn't marry the wrong guy" card. And where's the flatware for going on vacation alone?

Charlotte : Big is in town?
Carrie : Yeah, he's here for a little heart thing.
Miranda : What, is he on the wait list to get one?

Big : [to Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha] You're the loves of her life and a guy's just lucky to come in fourth.

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