Sunday, May 24, 2009

Night markets..

So its 12:50 at night (yep same time as sg) and I'm sitting in some random guy's ( :D ) room coz my room net doesn't work. Stupid cable thing. The whole thing disintegrated into my hands when I tried to use it. And chatting. And missing Indian food. I'm sick of having to always be a trouble and ask for special meals. And I'm sick of eating rice and Chinese Vegees. Sigh.

So we went night market before this. And I bought this random funky cap which I would normally never ever have bought. So fun :D And then the hanging thing for my phone, a necklace, bracelets, random top and, accidentally, leggings. But they were only 19 Taiwan Dollar, which is like less than 1 SingD, so who cares. Who knows, I might even end up using it.

Oh I've been talking sooo much Singlish here. OMG. But if I don't, no one will be able to understand what I say and I'll have to repeat a million times.

Oh and we went to Dharma Drum Mountain today. Its so freaking cool. The place is so hilly and pretty and clean and beautiful. The evenig service was in Cheeni so obviously I couldn't follow. Even though they gave us the English translation version. But it was very musical. And I like their uniforms. And I really liked the teachings of Sheng-Yen, the founder. He looks like one of those pure guys who are uncorrupted even in the midst of society. And what he says can appeal to both lays and monks.

And one dear friend of ours yet again asked a very smart question: "Are your flights to Malaysia and Singapore free when you go for public outreach?" And the other day he asked the Abbot (or was it Deputy Abbot?) what they pack in their bag when they go to other monasteries. So you see he makes our trip very interesting. I think I shall take the personal vow for tomorrow to speak no evil the entire day. Let's see how it goes :D

I think I should go sleep now. Though I'm not sleepy yet. Sigh. Why did I have to sleep so much yesterday night.

And I think I really have to do something about my appetite. It seems to be getting smaller and smaller by the end. And I'm tired of making up excuses to people about why I don't want dinner.

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