Friday, July 30, 2010

Work is fun

Ok so I am going to rant now. Since people tend to get sick of my ranting, so time to make use of blog again.

Most of it is about my awesome (read awful) job, and I am wondering if I should be tactful here in case my boss reads it, or should just let all boundaries down. Hmm let's see how this goes.

So the only good thing about my job is that I don't hate it in its entirety. What I hate is that there is just too much to do. And too few people to do it, since this is a start-up. And since my job description does not exist, so everything that they can think up of is dumped on me (Yep tact's being flung out the window right this minute).

So keeping in touch with speakers, getting them to send me their presentations is in itself a rocky mountain to hike up. considering they are all CEOs and GMs and high-up-there people from high-up-there companies like GM, Volkswagen, Mahindra, etc. Then once I get it, I need to pester boss to take a look at them, which in itself takes a few weeks. But once that is done, I am expected to send the feedback out within seconds. As I have been reminded many times, as I struggle to look up at my boss from under the gigantic workload pressing down on my back, speakers are a priority. Then after giving them feedback, I need to chase them if they don't reply. Only 1 out of 10 replies. So this means another round of calls. Plus I need to remind them to put information about the conference on their websites, get their guests, register for the event, send visa letter, etc etc etc. Btw lots of speakers have cancelled, because, well, they are busy people. Everytime this happens, I am given the "I am disappointed" speech. Like it's my fault he had back surgery and his doctor hasn't cleared him for travel.

Then there are associations and media, which I haven't had the time to touch since after I got their logos. But then suddenly, my boss will ask me, so what is the media list attending the event, and me, being incapable of lying convincingly, will gape at him like a goldfish. Then I shall be reminded, it is very important to know these things. Right. I'll get right on it, after I finish the other 100 things on my priority list. Yes, I really hope my boss never comes across this post. Is there a way to limit readership?

Then of course there is social media. LinkedIn is to my boss as the unicorn toy was to the little girl in Despicable Me, a shiny light in the darkness, a wondrous invention of the Free World. And so I was forced to make a profile, micro-managed to an excruciating degree to get it exactly the way he wanted it. And now, I am expected to find articles and post there everyday. And for every post I will be told, oh it's okay, just post, don't need to ask me. Then once I do post, no-no change the heading, change the text. We had social media training as well, whose first session went on till 9 plus. And it was only after violent objections that the next few ones end at 7. From these trainings we learnt how to soft-sell, so entire days used to be spent deciding on the most appropriate text which does not sound too sales-y. Then once we have discussions going, I must add everyone who has commented on it. Then once they are connected, I should invite them to our LinkedIn group. Bleh.

And oh-oh-oh we have a new blog too. So looking after websites and blogs becomes my job too. So in 40 minutes every morning, find news, post 1 on blog, 1 on conference website, then post on LinkedIn. Oh and change the home page every week.

And there are lots of competition conferences coming up. Any everytime they post on LinkedIn, or use the same speakers as us, all hell breaks loose.

Then of course, I am supposedly good at writing. So yay, write articles as well. About something I know nothing about. So go read up a 100 other articles so at least I know what the hell EVs are and what batteries are used and how recharging can be done, etc etc etc. And now it will be excellent if I could write articles on the LinkedIn discussions we have going. I should also interview speakers and write articles on that.

This is all obviously in addition to the at least 20 emails a day which should be followed up on, preferably asap. And now I have been told I need to do the agenda (I just finished it). I do not understand why, considering doing the brochure was supposed to be someone else's task. Plus, there is the bible which will be given to all delegates, and I need to do that as well.

And when I ask my bosses questions, I am 'disturbing' them. Since they are so busy, doing God only knows what. But they are allowed to pester me whenever they so choose.

A newsletter must go out every 2 weeks, through the most horrible software mankind came up with, Constant Contact. It is so buggy it amazes me people pay for it. Links you put up magically disappear, it is up to the software's mercy if and when it will allow you to change font, the colors of the block headings can only be changed globally. Then every block will have a different shade of the same color, with nothing you can do about it. This is of course supposed to be approved by my micro-managing 'perfectionist' (in his own words) boss, who at 6pm and after 4 newsletters have been previously send out, decides that the color theme is not good. So it should changed. So I must stay back and do it.

By the way, work is 1.5 hours away. So 3 hours of travelling everyday.

So that was work. The rest of my life sucks too.
I am currently in the middle of shifting. Half the stuff in one room, half in another. I have 2 tuitions, 1 wants me to come twice during weekend (since I can't make it on weekdays), and the other is again 1.5 hours away (and on a voluntary basis too btw).

I will be working till the end of August, which means I will have to work around my timetable. Everyday that I take "off" to attend classes will offend my bosses since I am not around being a mule for them.

I do not have time to meet the professors whom I need to request to be my mentor for USP Advanced Modules. My FYP results are still not out. I have another job at Science Dean's office during the semester which I had applied for before I got this one. I have two 8-10 am lectures, two 7-10 pm lectures. 2 compulsory lectures where I'm allowed to skip only 1 class in the whole semester, which I don't know how I am going to manage since I'm going to be in Beijing for a week at least.

Life is so awesome. Did I mention I'm being paid peanuts?

p.s. Happy Birthday sista!

p.p.s. Some of the articles I have written:–-how-will-they-impact-the-cost-of-the-li-ion-batteries/

p.p.p.s My bosses decided to give me a bonus yesterday for 'working so hard'. So now I feel a little guilty about writing this post. I shall re-double my prayers that they never chance upon my blog.


  1. hahhaha... thank you! as i said become a RJ... then u get paid to rant on air! and people will have no choice but to listen to you!!! :D

  2. Rant and rant some more, I can see you are getting good at this :P I know how he can sometimes be a pain, but then kya kar sakte hain!!

    Are the others still there or did they quit??
