Sunday, April 26, 2009

This bubble we live in.

Here I was, thinking how much my life sucked. How, because I'd been watching Boston Legal and IPL Match for the past few hours, I was ruining my life. And how I was pissed at everyone around.

So I went and searched for random videos on YouTube. Which is when I came across these 2 videos about adoption. Which made me feel so shallow. And somehow re-affirmed my desire to adopt 1 day. I know a lot of people have this dream when they are young, but somehow when they grow up, the dream doesn't reach fruition. I hope that someday, if I do forget about this dream of mine, I will by some chance happen to read this blog post, and fulfill this dream that I have today.

The first video is worth watching for, if nothing else, the cute kids. I don't like the part in-between Christ part because I hate any kind of religious preaching (totally my thing, no need to get offended), but otherwise it's a very sweet video.

The 2nd one is more tear inducing. And very true too I think. A little like Taare Zameen Par maybe? Except that this is about a kid who is shuttled from one home to another, with no place to call home, and who lives with the tiny flicker of hope in his heart that someday, maybe, his parents will come and take him home.

This bubble we live in, where the only worries which surround us are whether we'll get an A or a C for our next exam, whether Mumbai or Deccan will walk away with the IPL 2009 trophy, whether we'll get a $3000 or $5000 job once we graduate; where it's a given that we'll get a square meal at the end of the day, and it's a given that we have family and friends whom we can trust, whom we call up any time of the day or night and who will actually listen to us. So many givens in our life. Especially in Singapore. Where the only tangible poverty that we might see is in the form of workers, building new buildings and train stations for us, so that Mr. Mid-Level Clerk won't have too much trouble getting to work.

And yet we complain. Day in and day out. What we have is never enough.

I should know. I've spent half my adult life complaining.

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