Sunday, January 24, 2010

The beginning of the end.

1st Jan 2012

Today is the First of January, the first day of the year that Nostradamus, among many others, predicted would mark the end of the human civilization as we know it. And the decline has already begun. Today, when we woke up from our hangovers from last night's wild partying, switched on our laptops to start replying to the gazillion emails and New Year wishes, we found out that the damned internet wouldn't connect. It seems to be the same story with all our friends and family, and as the News Channels inform us, it seems to be a much larger scale problem. The whole picture is not clear yet, but it seems to be a global phenomenon.

7th Jan 2012

It's been a week since internet all around the world has been down. Despite day and night efforts by all sorts of technicians everywhere, they are as yet unable to locate the cause behind it, let alone solve it. While speculations in the media are rife about a global terrorist threat, those who had predicted this to be the year of the apocalypse have become even more vocal, and are calling this just the beginning. Many strange and seemingly unexplainable disappearances and weather phenomenon have been noted, despite efforts by governments to suppress such information, for fear of mass panic. Fear and uncertainty have crept into the daily lives of one and all, and many of those who were earlier cynics about the end of the world explanation are now beginning to change their minds.

The gigantic impact that the absence of internet has had economically as well as socially is indeed astounding, and it is gradually becoming clearer how completely dependent the human race had become on technology.

31st Jan 2012

A month into this horrific year, and we are still trying to get accustomed to lives without internet. Some positive points have emerged nonetheless. The resourcefulness of humans, when pushed against the wall, is once again becoming apparent. The quick-fix solutions that various companies and banks have come up with indeed provides some hope in these otherwise gloomy days. Not surprisingly, most of these solutions have come from the 2 Asian emerging superpowers, India and China. If it can indeed be fathomed that someone can benefit from the current world catastrophe, it is these two nations. While countries which are too accustomed to things always following set patterns and going right, for once being used to nothing working seems to be working perfectly in India's advantage. As all eyes turned to the US to be a global leader, all that has come out of the country is panic. The downfall of America, which started with Sept 11 might indeed be cemented this year, assuming any of us make it out alive. Obama, who brought so much hope during his Presidential campaign has seemed unable to deal with something of this magnitude. In his recent press interviews, he has had a haggard look, and his assurances to the American people that they are trying their best, and to have patience and faith, seems to be falling on deaf ears. He is no longer the man with the solutions.

p.s. To all those cynical about the end of the world in 2012 stories, don't worry I am one of you too. This random "story" just came into my head while I was supposed to be studying, so I decided to pen it down. Let's hope the world, and more importantly internet, never come to an end! Cheers :)

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