Friday, December 11, 2009

It's so bloody cold!

It's like God heard us saying, it's not that cold for winter yet. And he was, ahh you want cold, THERE YOU GO MISSY!

It's freaking -21 degrees with the wind chill. ANY exposed parts of you, like your face, and the fingertips of your fingerless gloves will literally FREEZE out in the open and then thaw once you come inside.

I'm wearing fours layers of clothes on top, including 2 jackets and a very warm top, and 2 layers below, but it doesn't seem to help too much.

Why do I even bother going out, you might ask. Well I have a freaking exam tomorrow, for which I need the library book, which is on reserve, so I can get it for only 2 hours at a time, and must wait at least half an hour before I can re-issue it. So you see, for that half an hour, I either take my laptop along and waste time on that, which somehow always extends more than half an hour, and also means that I have to carry the laptop in my hand, which means I cannot keep my hands in my pocket. And I definitely cannot fit my laptop in my handbag since I already feel fat enough with so many clothes, and carrying a really fat bag on your hand becomes virtually impossible with the fat jackets on.

So you see, I've made 2 trips to the library already, and must make one more. Since I have only managed to read (almost) the first 7 chapters out of 11, and the emphasis for the exam is chapters 8-11. I am so doomed. And somehow the first thing on my mind is not the exam, but the cold. Thing is, it takes me about 2 hours to convince myself to go out everytime, so you can imagine how much work is getting done.

I can totally understand why people are grumpier and more depressed in the winter. I certainly am. It's too bloody cold to venture out, and sitting at home doing nothing is mind-numbing. I'm just glad classes are over, so I can choose to stay home. But then again, for all the up-coming exams, I need to study from the library books, most of which are also on reserve. So you see, I'm doomed!

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