Friday, February 12, 2010


I don't like disappointing people. I'm not very good at saying no either. And don't even ask me to lie to save my life.

But I'm in no condition right now to listen to other people's problems. I have enough of my own. And I know I should be there for you or whatever, but I'm too messed up to be able to handle yours too and tell you what to do. So please, please don't guilt me into forcing myself to help you. I do need some help myself here, a listening ear would come in real handy. But I will manage. I will survive on my own. As long as you don't heap yours onto me. And hopefully find someone else to listen to you, so that I don't have to spend my entire time feeling guilty. I know it is not your fault, and you need someone. But I am not that person. At least now right now.

I know I was bitchy to people last weekend, so I have been trying to make up for it by being nicer to others. This whole karma thing is a bitch. I believe things happen for a reason. I believe in the balance of things. That is why one of the best weeks ever was followed by one of the worst weeks ever.

When I get very pissed off listening to other people's wailing, I try and remind myself that they tried to be understanding when I was down in the dumps. So I know it is my turn now.

But it's just been one of those days which you spend curled up in bed all day, simply because that is all the strength you have.

I am trying, really trying, to understand other people's point of view. But I need you to understand too, that there is only so much I can take right now.

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