Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Facebook groups I adore 3

Yay Facebook :)
If this annoys you, then move on to the next post. But this is a phase which will apparently take some getting over. I now go to people's profiles just to check what kind of groups they joined :)

I will never forgive the apple that fell on Newton's head ....

Primary School A+, High School B+, University "How many marks do I need to pass?"

God, if you give back M. Jackson, I'll give you Justin Bieber & Miley Cyrus.

Saying "no thankyou" to a biscuit (just to be polite) and then regreting it

No, all my statuses aren't about you, you just have a guilty conscience.

NO. my status is from a song. its not about you. get over yourself.

When someone has a nickname, calling them by their real name sounds weird.

I look at you and motherfuckingassholeihopeyoufuckingdie comes to my mind.

"Where are you going?" "Washroom..." "To do what?" TO PLAY BASKETBALL.

do you really have to pout your lips in ALL YOUR PICTURES?

You're angry at me for that ? Thats cool, just let me know when you grow up

Mutual hatred of one person really brings people together :)

...ahem-ahem!! i cough when i wanna tease sum1..

B.O.D.M.A.S= Bored. Of. Doing. Maths. At. School.

Don't you just hate it when the radio doesn't tell you who sang that song.

You're not drunk, you've had one drink, so stop pretending.

Why dont the Cullens attack Bella when she's on her period? (OMFG :O)

Falling asleep on your couch and waking up in bed when you were little.

If I open this bag really slow no one will hear it...CRUSHSHSHI DKFDSJ IVJ

Alarm Clocks. Because every morning should begin with a heart attack.

I don't care who's getting married. Where's the FOOD!?

Kicking a stone along a street, then going out of your way to kick it again

That one annoying couple who always breaks up and gets back together!

I Hate It When Parents Get Serious About Something Funny You Tell Them

Yeah, you go ahead and lie to make ME look bad. Karma my friend, karma.

When I was a kid if you ran up the slide and made it, you were so cool

i love text books with the answers in the back

If sleep is important then why does school start so early?!?

i trip on flat surfaces, push doors tht say pull, and laugh at lame jokes

I Have Trouble Writing after Summer Vacation

She's so fake. If you look behind her neck, I bet it says "Made In China"

Something breaks,I hide it.Then act suprised when someone finds it again :O

Money can't buy happiness... But I'd rather cry in a Ferrari

If I didn't answer the phone the 1st time, or the 8th time, STOP CALLING!

If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question

Mom and Dad...when I lie to you, its for your own good

A girl kisses 2 guys - She's a SLUT; A boy bangs 5 girls - He's a LEGEND..

i know my family so well i can tell which of them is coming up the stairs

When i'm bored, i tend to eat even though i'm not hungry.

Before I Go To Sleep, I Start Imagining Stuff That I Would Like To Happen

Okay, I will get out of the bed in 10 seconds. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-9-9-9..

"Can u do me a favor?"..wat "can u go upstairs and-".. no

Wow! Have you had your hair cut?....No. It magically fell off idiot.

A Lion would never cheat on his wife.. but a Tiger wood.

me? Dirty minded?! Nahh. I like to call it imaginative (:

iPOD, iPhone, iTouch..iPAD..what's next? iTampon?

Wow I dropped my phone like 5 times today…and it's still alive!

If I were an enzyme i would be DNA helicase so i could unzip your genes.


I forgot your name, so i'm waiting for somebody to say it.

I've probably learned more from Google than I have from school -.-

Yeah, Mom, All of Our Visitors Are TOTALLY Gonna Check How Clean My Room Is

OMG this is the most DISGUSTING thing I've ever tasted... here, try it.

What Starts With F and ends in UCK? FIRETRUCK!

Parents Find It Hard To Put 1 Kid To sleep Yet The Teacher Can Put All 30.

I don't care if it's 4AM, I don't consider it tomorrow until i wake up.

If your relationship is "complicated", don't kid yourself, you're single.

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